Why we don’t Nunu jungle…


It’s a perfect day.  You got your chosen role, your preferred matchup, and you’re in your promos.  It can’t get better, right?  Well, it could if your 1st pick jungler takes someone, anyone, other than Nunu.  But he didn’t, did he?  Goodbye perfect day.

Someone may ask themselves, and legitimately, what it is that I have against Nunu.  He was made as a jungler.  He has an extra smite.  He has good sustain.  All are valid points.  The issue comes when the team’s competencies are taken into account.  Most Bronze and Silver level players do not understand what it is that makes Nunu a good jungler.  They tend to demand gank heavy junglers because they don’t understand how to play with a passive farming jungle.  Champions like Nunu or Nasus require a lot of farm and tend to not be good gankers.

But they’re both tank junglers with slows that allow them to gank well, right?  Wrong.  Nunu is very slow before he gets tier 2 boots which means he’ll have a hard time landing his slow and even if he does he won’t really be able to capitalize on it.  Malphite’s pretty slow too though, right?  Why is he not added into the mix of bad ganking junglers?  Simple.  Malphite’s slow steals movement speed so he speeds up when others slow down.  He also has more CC post 6 than Nunu and is generally tankier with his passive.

Please just remember that in Bronze and Silver, the likelihood of having a feeding lane is ridiculously high.  A jungler that can’t stop the snowball or at least feed his other lanes is unlikely to win at this level.  A feeding lane is going to ask for ganks and Nunu is either going to try, and have a mediocre gank at best, or say, “no, I need to farm” or, “stop feeding.”  Either option is going to cause toxicity within your team.  The laner who is getting steamrolled is going to get upset and will most likely start flaming.  That, in turn, will upset the rest of your team and cause everyone to play worse.

So please, please, please take into consideration the competencies of low ELO players when choosing champions.  If they don’t understand how to play a certain style or with a certain champion, it’s probably best to remove that champion from your pool for the time being.

Brought to you with pride from the mind of The Noob.

See ya Scrubs!

2 thoughts on “Why we don’t Nunu jungle…

  1. You’re making the assumption that this Nunu isn’t good.

    Nunu is best picked as a support to late scaling teams. His ult peel can separate teamfights fairly easily and he doesn’t help laners by carrying them in via ganks, he’s a counterjungle/vision control champ. He can fairly safely invade anyone and get deep wards. If the enemy snowballs off your laner, there’s little a jungler can do other than protect his teammates from the roam potential through vision control.

    While I get what you mean though, people in lower elo don’t know how to play in general, so relying on them is a foolish thing to do, but someone else’s jungle pick shouldnt be your concern. So long as they do their role competently, you can win.


    1. I’m definitely not saying that Nunu isn’t a good jungler or that he doesn’t have his place, I’m mainly using Nunu as an example. Low ELO players tend to not understand enough of the game to make good use of his kit. Even if you understand his kit and can use it competently, the chance of running into teammates at that level that can accept and play well with his kit is unlikely. It’s more a thought about thinking through your own champion selection before getting into queue.

      BTW, thanks for taking the time to read and comment. It’s much appreciated!

      The Noob

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